what “goodbye” is about

Last night when I came home I found 4 “missed calls” and a message from my mother on my phone. She had been staying with my grandmother (“mothersitting”) last week while my grandfather was away visiting his own granddaughter and great-grandson (second marriage). And my mother felt compelled to share with me all the details … Continue reading


Things change. People change, places change, times change. Thoughts, feelings, attitudes change. Each moment is forever lost, irreplaceable, as it glides into the next. We know this. And yet we live looking backwards, scurrying to pick up the remains of moments lost, in hopes that we can make them real again. Alzheimer’s plays a dirty … Continue reading

One lens amongst many…

In response to a question put out by Marek J, regarding what defines us as “men” and “women” and the roles we play in the modern world (as part of a larger discussion initiated by Frank Paynter on the roles men might play in supporting feminist leadings) — my thoughts… What makes men “men” and women … Continue reading

Wisdom for the Day

On condescension: “Don’….con..sen..ME…man! Kick your ass…” –“Floyd” aka Brad Pitt

our human stories

I’m continually discovering all sorts of sublime angles into what makes the blog concept such a unique and fascinating communications medium. In fact, I have half a mind to write another thesis on Blogging! (but that would of course kill the “sublime” aspect and just earn me yet another degree that I do not need). … Continue reading

crappy day.

Crappy, crappy, crappy day. Went to work sucking on my heart where it sat lodged in my throat, dragging a bag of cracked and empty words. Tired from a night of sleepless sleep. Heavy air, sagging with humidity, waiting, like me, for the rain to come and wash it all away. Got to work and … Continue reading

Ventriloquism & Hemingway Heroes

Over the weekend Chris Locke (aka Rageboy) wrote to me that his sister refers to the tendency of women (most notably in business) to act like men as “ventriloquism,” a concept found in Folklore studies. A quick search turned up a paper on this subject by Galit Hasan-Rokem of The Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Hasan-Rokem … Continue reading

queen bees hovering over glass ceilings

In response to my last post, which I also posted on the Blog Sisters page, I was directed to a very interesting article about Queen Bees in the workplace. As with everything, nothing is one, and no one explanation explains all, but I found this article offered some interesting depth on one of many possible … Continue reading

we are our own glass ceilings

I am coordinating a conference attended by MIT faculty and financial industry executives. Of 11 faculty and 14 senior executives, only one attendee is a woman. I am appalled that there is only one woman. And I am intrigued by her. In an industry so blatantly ceilinged in glass, who is she and how did … Continue reading

the mystique of writing

I’ve been thinking about what it means to write – to be a writer – I’ve been thinking about what writing is really about – that perhaps it’s not just about the pleasure of word play, or the satisfaction of grabbing abstract thoughts and pulling them into words, the sculpting of articulation, the lovely, smooth … Continue reading

what we give up

Saturday afternoon I went to a Habitat Home Dedication out in Roxbury. A great day for a home dedication – starting out warm and sunny, and then, just for the sake of contrast, or to let us know what we could have had instead, the clouds blew in and sprinkled on us,but only briefly, and … Continue reading

What an absolutely, unbelievably perfect weekend

Perfect for coffee in the hammock and nothing better to do. Perfect for an outdoor lunch on Newbury Street. Iced jasmine tea & a little sun on the back. Perfect for an early evening walk into Harvard Square to meet friends for a movie. Perfect for sleeping in, sleeping through the early morning showers, waking … Continue reading