Three and a bit.

Suddenly, it’s all about independence. “I do it! I do it MYSELF!” is your new mantra. As you pull up a stool to turn on the lights, or to reach the apple in the uppermost fruit basket or tangle yourself up attempting to remove your shirt. And since monkey moved into his daytime monkey box, … Continue reading


Who leaves a tractor abandoned in the park with the keys in it? This tractor has been parked near Stacy Park for months. Sometimes it’s just the one. Sometimes there are two. Once we even found three. So, why not take it out for a joyride to the playground?

Secret Beach.

  Sunday mornings we go to Secret Beach. We get there early before the crowds, and it’s just a few folks like us, there with kids and dogs. You and me and Diggy and Daddy all play in the water. With your new goggles on you put your face down into the water and find … Continue reading

Father’s Day at the water park.

For Father’s Day this year we went to Schlitterbahn. The first tube slide spooked you a bit and you thought you were ready to “go back to the blue car,” but after a picnic lunch and some playtime in the kiddie area you were ready to try again. We took a gentler tube ride down … Continue reading


I went to Los Angeles for a few days, and came back with a coffee mug for Daddy and a harmonica for you. You picked it right up. Didn’t like when Daddy played it though. “Too noisy.” You said you wanted to go to Granbunny and Grampa’s house to play ‘monica while Grampa played his … Continue reading

Two big milestones.

With each milestone, just about the time I start to worry about whether and how to help you across, suddenly, unexpectedly, you just do it on your own. So it was with walking. And with weaning. With saying goodbye at school drop-off. And now with using the potty. And swimming. Both on the same weekend. … Continue reading