blue-gray yarn

Each day is a struggle for clarity. I order a double espresso, stare out the window, and try to sharpen my mind against the encroaching fog. When sharp, my mind works brilliantly – quick and effortlessly it tears through thoughts and ideas, everything falls neatly into place, I am in control of my life. I … Continue reading

reflections on a Zen Buddhist quote I picked up somewhere…

“Freedom is that the elbow bends but one way.” I do not like to make demands of others. In an ideal world this would mean that others, in turn, would not make demands of me. But this is not an ideal world, and others do make demands of me; sometimes, ironically, even demanding that I … Continue reading

saturday morning

It’s Saturday morning. The trouble with Saturdays is that my whole week – no, really my whole life – is all about thinking; come Saturday I don’t want to think anymore, I want to just <do. I need to do things in order to quiet my brain and let it rest. But I never seem … Continue reading