

Ethan loves his evening baths. Kick-kick-kick. Splash-splash-splash. He loves getting soaped up. And he especially likes sucking on his wet washcloth. He grips onto it so firmly I can hardly pry it back from him to wash off the soap suds.


Ethan loves his blue dog.

Flying baby!

Ethan loves “flying baby.” We first discovered this while sitting in Carolyn’s office during our visit to Lafayette – Ethan was getting fussy so Den started lifting him up in the air over his head. His response was a shriek of joy we’d never heard before. Whatever his mood, “flying baby” never ceases to make … Continue reading

Baby in the mirror.

In the mornings Ethan perches on the bathroom counter in his Bumbo chair while I get ready for work. He LOVES that baby in the mirror.