Third Christmas.

For three weeks, since saying goodbye to Grampa at the airport after Thanksgiving, you’ve been talking about going on an airplane to Grammy J’s house. When the event finally arrived, following a car trip to Dallas and an overnight visit with Uncle Steve and Aunt Ashley and the dogs (who you chased around and around … Continue reading

First “real” haircut.

Thus far all of your haircuts have been done by me, and I haven’t been doing too bad a job, in my opinion anyway. You’ve even gotten compliments on your great hipster hairstyle (long in front, short in back). But sometimes I lack the speed to make up for what I also lack in skill. … Continue reading

Distracted driver.

Children’s Nutcracker.

Before Christmas, we took you to see a performance of the Children’s Nutcracker. You were riveted right up until intermission. Then you got squirmy and giggly during the second half. The next morning I played Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker for you in the living room and you recognized it immediately and danced around in circles imitating the … Continue reading

I can’t hear you!

You never did quite take to wearing your protective headphones at music shows, but they ended up in your toy box where you periodically dig them out and put them on. This has turned into a game in which we silently mouth “I can’t hear you!” and you giggle and pull off the headphones to … Continue reading

Christmas tree.

The next weekend after Thanksgiving was very cold. But we decided it was the weekend to go pick out our little table top Christmas tree, so we bundled up and drove out to the Natural Gardener. You and Daddy selected the tree, and then took a ramble of the grounds, where you visited with some … Continue reading


Your third Thanksgiving began in the kitchen, with you pulling a stool over to the counter so you could see. You helped make the cranberry sauce, starting with squeezing oranges. You thought that was pretty cool, and after we finished you sampled the juice and told the story again and again of how we put … Continue reading