still here

Lately I awaken groggily from afternoon naps to the realization that I am not dead. This happened for the first time a few weeks ago. I rummaged through fragments of dreams for context, but couldn’t find any. So I dismissed it as just one of those peculiar skips of consciousness that sometimes occur in the … Continue reading

an evening in may

I sat outside tonight in my pajamas and sweatshirt – it’s chilly for May still, but at least the leaves are back on the trees for the breeze to softly rustle through again – and sadness came back to me like an old friend. You get tired of pushing it back after a while. And … Continue reading


So the ominous lay-off week has passed, taking with it the loud static of anxiety. Also taking with it half of our small team. Leaving in its wake a pallor of demoralization and confusion. I’m still here, much to my surprise. And so is my manager, much to his surprise. Gone are all the interns, … Continue reading