corporate slut

Things got broken. But it wasn’t my doing. Tuesday morning they laid off my manager. Which seemed kind of odd protocol, given that nobody had laid me off, and my manager was the only one who even knew what I did. As Anthony carried boxes to his car, Joe looked at me and I looked … Continue reading


Sometimes I just want to break things. Not things as in the clutter around me, but more like the clutter inside me. Sometimes I just get so sick of the boredom, the inertia, the futility…all that I want in life, all that I love…I just want to sweep it all off the table in a … Continue reading

become the breeze

I’m lying stretched out on my bed, head at the foot, gazing out the window. It turned into such a beautiful day, but I don’t really know what to do with myself. Just ate lunch, nothing I feel like doing. Don’t want to read my book. No errands that need running. Nowhere I feel like … Continue reading

won’t you take this love from me

On the pulling end of a long-distance relationship, evenings and weekends run long. I am teaching myself not to fear the empty spaces, the time on my hands, the evening breeze, the longing not to be alone. I fill my weekend days busy, busy running errands. Refuge found in the din of a crowded café. … Continue reading


Listening to Brian Ferry on the way to work this morning brought me back to a Roxy Music CD a friend gave me years back. I was 16 at the time, and had never heard of Roxy Music – in fact had never heard of anyone really if they didn’t make the top 40 play … Continue reading