Poor Mingus.

Mingus, the most tolerant of all cats. She was sleeping peacefully in the chair, until suddenly she found herself buried amongst a pile of trains and trucks.

Rainy Sunday at the children’s museum.

A good activity for a rainy Sunday is an afternoon visit to the Thinkery children’s museum. There’s so much to explore there, but you became obsessed with the light bright wall and refused to leave until you’d replaced every single peg into the wall. Of course, when other kids started moving your pegs around, that … Continue reading

House guest.

During SXSW this year we had a house guest: my friend Thea or, as you called her, Fea. During the 5 days she stayed with us you and Thea became best buddies. When I came home from work in the evening, you talked excitedly about Thea – what she was doing upstairs, what you and she … Continue reading

Birthday circle.

The next day was Tuesday, your Starbright day, where you were greeted with yet another birthday celebration. It was a rainy day, so you got to wear your new fireman raincoat and boots to school. When you arrived, you were outfitted with a special birthday cape and crown, and then given a craft to work … Continue reading

Monkey box.

We had one extra special birthday present in store for you, which we set aside from all the rest. You knew you were getting it, and even helped pick it out. A decorative red lacquer red box, with a hinged lid that you could open and close by yourself. This would become “the monkey box.” … Continue reading

Birthday present overload.

When you came home from daycare, you were presented with yet another birthday surprise: a big pile of birthday presents! You got a police car and a bug box and a fireman raincoat (to go with the rain boots you got from the fire lieutenant at the fire house) and more trains and some Thomas … Continue reading

Birthday surprise.

Rose and Sam and Ian were out of town for your birthday party, which we had celebrated two days before your actual birthday anyway, so we decided to surprise you at daycare with birthday cupcakes. When Shena opened the door, it wasn’t just Mama like you were expecting, but Dada too, singing happy birthday and … Continue reading

Fire engine #6.

After your birthday party, we returned to the firehouse to get you a t-shirt.

Fire truck birthday party.

For your third birthday, we planned a special surprise. We had a picnic in the park with a few friends – Hugo from school (who the teachers like to joke is your twin) along with his older sister Greta, baby Johnny from daycare and Walter who’s a new friend that you hadn’t previously met (your … Continue reading