Easter Egg Hunt.

This year we introduced you to the pagan ritual of the Easter Egg Hunt. And an Easter basket, filled with colorful plastic eggs, a set of marbles, a bus and a firetruck and a giant egg that opened to reveal a matchbox car hidden inside. In hindsight, we ought to have let you discover the … Continue reading

Red potty.

We’re circling around the notion of potty training, not quite sure how to approach it. You’ve watched Rose go through potty training and daycare. You know what a potty is, and you know what pee pee is. You make the connection when mama or dada is using the potty, and even when the cats are using … Continue reading

New shoes!

You got a pair of new shoes in the mail from Amazon today. You were very excited, because you love shoes! And then you decided that Mommy’s shoes would make a good trade. So you stuffed them into the box to send back to Amazon.


Peter passed away today, baby boy. He wasn’t your grandfather by blood, but was a grandfather of sorts. We hadn’t yet determined what you would call him, but he called you “Tex.” You and he had an instant rapport. He just adored you. You spent your first two Christmases with him, and a summer visit. After each … Continue reading

Diggy Dog.

When nobody’s home, Diggy takes over the favorite chair.  

Second birthday.

We celebrated your second birthday with zucchini spice cupcakes and presents on the back patio. This year you were familiar with the ritual of opening presents and identified the presents sitting on the table as something exciting for Ethan. And, to my dismay, you also identified the muffins on the counter as cupcakes. (We’ve never … Continue reading