Almost two.

You’ve recently begun giving hugs, and kisses. You send me off with a hug when I say “bye” in the morning, and when I get home at the end of the day, or visit you at lunchtime. And sometimes also a kiss, which for you means pressing your open mouth against mine. Or the kitties. … Continue reading

Bounce like a Tigger.

After watching Thomas and Little Prince too many times, I finally went in search of something from my own childhood to satisfy your request for “T!” And I found The Tigger Movie. There seem to be a few new scenes spliced in that I don’t remember being in the original, but it’s still the classic Disney … Continue reading

Fish tank.

As you watch the fish, you point to them and call them by name: “shif.”

Discovery of fennel, and a funnel.

You discovered an unexpected culinary pleasure: fennel seeds. I expected you to taste one and spit it out, but instead you asked for more. And more. And more. And then dumped the jar out into your bowl. And then the funnel I used to get the fennel seeds back into their jar became its own … Continue reading

Twenty-three months.

Your new favorite ritual, following an evening shower with mama, is to streak naked and wet from the bathroom and hide yourself behind the curtains. “Where’s Ethan?” I say, as I emerge from the bathroom and spot a bulge in the curtain, trying very hard to stay still. And I grab the bulge and tickle … Continue reading