Spray bottle.

Ethan found a spray bottle during his morning explorations. After a few minutes he mastered its mechanics (using two hands), but not before squirting himself in the face a few times. Which he thought was pretty funny.

Stair climber.

Ethan loves to scramble up the stairs by himself. If we leave the gate open and he spots it, he’ll scramble up three or four stairs and then stop and wait for us to notice him so we can chase him all the way up the stairs.

Happy, messy eater.

Sharing a smoothie with Dadu.

Sharing ice with Dadu and Diggy.

We’ve got three ice chompers in the house. I’m the lone holdout.

Ethan gets a new Mickey Mouse bath toy.

Ethan opens the Mickey Mouse submarine bath toy that he got from Dad’s buddy Dave Lynch when he was itty bitty. Now he’s big enough to enjoy it. And he loves it! Particularly Mickey’s ear, which has many uses. Including ice scoop.

Ethan at Llano River.

We took a little day trip out to Junction, TX. Stopped at Fredricksburg for lunch, then spent the afternoon at a pebbly beach on the river. Loki swam, Ethan collected rocks.

A year and a month.

March has been a month of outings and adventure for you baby boy. The month kicked off with the SXSW festival, and just like last year we toted you along to some of the free outdoor shows. Of course last year you were only a couple weeks old, nestled in your sling; this year you … Continue reading