chair slats, and the spaces between

It’s a beautiful early fall Sunday morning, just a hint of chilly – a good day for digging up my favorite flannel shirt – and as per my new weekend ritual, I’m back at 1369 (at a table today, rather than my usual stool in the window), reading Harper’s. I’ve finished most of the essays … Continue reading

sitting in the ashes of youth, of grief, of growth…

I spent three years living in New Zealand, from the age of 23 to 26. I learned a lot from that period, but most of it I learned retrospectively, after returning “home” to the US. What I was most conscious of while I was there was the uncomfortable feeling of transience I so often felt. … Continue reading

the betrayal of Miss Laperouse

Sitting beside me in the window at 1369 are a pair of young elementary school teachers, talking a stream of chatter about school, homeroom, their “kids,” and the other teachers. I try to tune them out, try to make myself more interested in getting through last month’s Harper’s than in their not-particularly-interesting schoolteacher gossip. But … Continue reading

Labor Day weekend in LA

I didn’t expect to like LA. Mostly because it is not in the Northeast. And it doesn’t snow in winter. And because it is a city which features billboard ads for divorce lawyers and liposuction on bus stop benches. But it’s a funny thing about expectations, isn’t it? Not that I loved LA. LA is … Continue reading