A foodie baby’s first taste of lobster.

While in Maine, you got your first taste of lobster, baby boy, and you loved it. Like the native new england baby you are in your genes. You tasted your dad’s claw meat, but especially loved sucking on the legs. Just like your Grammy J.

A Snow baby’s first sighting of snow.

After gift opening, you went outside with your dad in your new Christmas parka and had your first experience with snow. You even got to meet some ducks that were hanging out on the edge of the frozen pond.

First Christmas

You slept through the opening of gifts, curled up, out like a light, on your mama’s lap. So we had to have a second gift opening later after you woke up. You (or rather your dad) got a bunch of puppets to play with. You (and your dad) particularly love the bear in the stump … Continue reading

Twas the night before Christmas…

After a long day of traveling, you made it all the way through Christmas Eve dinner. And then you climbed up on the table to make sure you really were at the center of it all.

Oh, teeth.

Oh my sweet baby boy. You’ve got two new teeth coming in at once. They must be your one-year molars. Because you are miserable. Last night you cried for hours without stopping. And there’s nothing we can do to make it better. You don’t want to eat. You don’t want to nurse. I held you … Continue reading

Sunday morning shower.

This morning you took a shower with me, baby boy. Because you woke up with your face still covered in carrots, left over from last night’s late night dinner out.  I held you in my arms and warm water rained down on us. A strange sensation for you, so different from sitting in your tub. … Continue reading

Mother love.

Long before you were born, baby boy, I used to reflect on what my parenting style might one day be. I had come to know myself, in my adult years, as somewhat aloof. Rational. Very much needing my own space, both physical and emotional. This isn’t who I always was, but it was who I … Continue reading

The diaper-changing dance.

Diaper changing isn’t as easy as it used to be. You’ve become very wily when it comes to getting your diaper changed. You immediately flip onto your tummy and start crawling around on your changing pad. You grab onto me and pull yourself up to a stand and dance around while I try to get … Continue reading

Nine months.

What a big milestone nine months is, baby boy. You’ve covered quite a lot of ground in these last few weeks: You are now an accomplished stander. You pull yourself up against anything you can reach, balancing on wobbly feet against tables and chairs and your parents’ legs. It won’t be long till your walking. … Continue reading