i’d like to apologize on behalf of my country…

All I can think this morning is, god, we are such assholes. I am not proud to be an American. I am not proud of my country. And I am not apologetic for being unpatriotic. My allegiance is to humanity, not to the nation in which I happened to be born. Not to bullies. Nor … Continue reading

trying to hide that ache for something more

Last night, driving home, crawling along Rt. 2 trying to just get off the damn highway… A million thoughts going through my head and yet I can’t help feeling somehow just completely blank. How can that be? A mere three weeks into my new job and already grumbling silently in my head – something to … Continue reading

whatever I embrace, becomes…

“…we must, all of us, turn toward whatever it is that we do want, in our lives, in our loves, on the planet, and whatever we don’t want, just have sense enough to leave alone…” –Alice Walker, Temple of My Familiar