serenity in freedom

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference… And the wisdom to know the difference. And in times of seemingly infinite choices, please instill in me the confidence to choose my path, the conviction to do so … Continue reading

the persistence of memory

For a long time now I’ve noted, though never really understood, the peculiar tendency of unhappy times, in retrospect, to take on the bittersweet cast of wistful nostalgia. Like the soft sighs of shadows as they grow long across violet walls in the winter dusk. Or early mornings in the drafty quiet of a cold … Continue reading

To be human is to…

In his diary, Edward Hoagland writes: “To be human is to care for things that don’t care for you.” Specifically, he is writing about a garter snake that he nurtured to rid his house of mice. But the context is not important. I’m looking into myself to try to understand what such a statement really … Continue reading