
This is your dad’s favorite concoction to make for you. Your two favorites: bananas and avocado. Combined. Bananacado!! It just doesn’t get any better than this.

Avocado, summer squash and a new hat!

Remember this.

These are the moments you want to hold on to. Lying on the couch with my baby boy napping on my chest.  The doors open. Ceiling fan catching the still-hot, but dry, hinting of fall, early afternoon air. Breeze occasionally rustling the bamboo. Dog snoring softly on the floor. Baby boy’s head is hot against … Continue reading

Got Yogurt?

We weren’t sure Ethan would like plain yogurt. Thought we’d probably have to mix it up with bananas or apples. Surprise: he loved it. Gobbled it all up. Even started eating his bib.

Six months.

Baby boy: You are six months old today! And in honor of your six-month birthday, today you got to experience your first taste of solid food. Birthday bananas! And later, avocado. You loved them both. You gobbled with relish. You even loved the spoon. You also got a tree for your birthday. Your father’s anniversary … Continue reading