sunday morning

Sometimes I feel like I am just a receptacle for the world around me. A sponge, I absorb the mana of others. At a party, I synchronize myself to the rhythms of the room; moving from person to person, silently wondering who are you? what is it like to be you? I awaken the next … Continue reading

October 23rd…

…first snow of the season. And it’s not even Halloween yet. The trees just turned red. Wasn’t I still picking raspberries and peaches only a few weeks ago?

sage advice from some irish bloke

Sheep, sheep dog or lone wolf, it’s your choice not to become mutton curry…

the personality police

Changes at work — collaborative environments, the mandate to be a “team player,” blah blah blah — I’m finally beginning to understand Dilbert cartoons… It’s not that I’m incapbable of playing nicely with the other children, but I’m not overly fond of participating in the insidious Corporate Groupthink. That and now I’ve gotten my feathers … Continue reading