Working from home.

Morning walk.

Peanutbutter sandwich and a beer.

I returned to work this week. Yesterday was a day of nothing; today the reality set back in. This afternoon I cried. I cried and I stopped and I did my work and then I cried some more. I can’t really say why, except that after three months of being the hero of my own … Continue reading

The sensory joys of the physical world.

An unexpected discovery I’ve found during these three months of not working has been a re-aquantaince with the sensory experiences of the physical world. I’ve always been one to live life too much in my head. Past or future, searching, angsting, pondering… but seldom here, now. I’ve been focusing on being more present with Ethan, … Continue reading

Summer morning bath.

Ethan has come to love his baths. We don’t take baths every day, but when we do it’s a mellow, happy time for him. He sits in his little tub and I drip warm water over him. I soap up his little fingers and toes where the “lint” gets trapped – he especially loves that. … Continue reading

Three months.

You’re 3-months-old today, little one. Three months! And in those three months, we’ve grown so much together, you and I. You’ve taught me tenderness and patience. You’ve given me meaning and a deep new confidence. Shown me I can be both grounded and light.  How strange and unexpected that you would come into the world … Continue reading

Deep, meaningful conversations in jibberish.

Ethan has a lot to say these days. He’s particularly interested in vowel sounds with various enunciations.